Back to School: Returning to School Sports After Summer Break

As summer comes to an end and the new school year approaches, many young athletes eagerly anticipate returning to their school sports teams. A smooth transition back to school athletics after a break will ensure your athlete has a successful and injury-free return to the game they love. Sports rehabilitation and injury prevention, is a service provided by Moveology Physical Therapy & Wellness and here we provide tips to keep your athlete at the top of their game. 

Boosting Cardiovascular Endurance

After a summer of relaxation, it's essential to gradually rebuild cardiovascular endurance. Engaging in cardiovascular exercises like running, swimming, or cycling can help athletes prepare their bodies for the demands of their respective sports. A gradual increase in intensity and duration will help prevent overuse injuries and improve overall performance on the field.

Proper Warm-ups and Cool Downs

Warm-ups and cool downs are essential for injury prevention. Dynamic warm-up routines prepare muscles and joints for activity, while cool downs aid in recovery by reducing muscle stiffness. Warm-ups should be dynamic and engage the entire body and increase the heart rate. This will allow proper blood flow to muscles and joints to reduce injury. Cool downs are the time when you want to add static stretching. Your muscles are warmed up and ready to be stretched to reduce muscle stiffness. Including these routines in training sessions can improve flexibility and decrease the likelihood of injuries.

Avoiding Cross-Training During Sport Season

While cross-training can be beneficial during the off-season, it's best to focus on specific sport training during the competitive season. Ideally your athlete should have been cross-training over the summer, which will have prepared your athlete for the upcoming season. However, once your athlete returns to competitive season, overloading the body with different activities can increase the risk of injury and hinder optimal performance in the athlete's primary sport.

Focusing on Sport-Specific Technique Skills

During the sport season, it is best to focus on sport-specific technique skills. To excel in their sport, athletes must prioritize honing sport-specific technique skills. Practicing proper form and techniques ensures optimal performance while minimizing the risk of injury. Physical Therapists can provide valuable guidance and exercises to enhance sport-specific skills and address any weaknesses.

Emphasizing the Importance of Rest Days

While enthusiasm to get back on the field is commendable, rest days are equally crucial. Adequate rest allows the body to recover, preventing burnout and reducing the risk of overuse injuries. Athletes should incorporate rest days into their training schedule and listen to their bodies when they feel fatigued or sore.

Identifying Injuries and Pain

As athletes resume training, it is essential to recognize the difference between normal muscle soreness and potential injuries. Ignoring pain or pushing through it can lead to more severe issues. If an athlete experiences persistent or concerning pain, seeking guidance from a Physical Therapist can help identify the problem and initiate appropriate treatment. Identifying pain or injuries early, reduces more serious injuries, and often reduces the amount of time an athlete has to miss practices or games.

Seeking a Preseason Movement Screen

A preseason movement screen conducted by a skilled Physical Therapist can be invaluable in identifying any movement limitations or imbalances that could lead to injuries. Addressing these issues early on helps athletes develop strategies to enhance performance and reduce the risk of injury. Moveology Physical Therapy & Wellness has sport-specific movement screens to evaluate flexibility, weakness, posture, and power limitations and strengths.

Utilizing Fitness/Wellness Surveys for Self-Checks

Athletes can take charge of their fitness and wellness by regularly completing self-check surveys. These surveys may include questions about sleep quality, hydration, nutrition, and overall well-being. By understanding their bodies better, athletes can make informed decisions to support their health and performance.

Returning to school athletics after a summer break is an exciting time for young athletes. However, it's essential to approach this transition thoughtfully and responsibly. By increasing cardiovascular endurance, avoiding cross-training, focusing on sport-specific techniques, prioritizing rest, identifying injuries, performing proper warm-ups and cool downs,  seeking professional guidance through movement screens, and using fitness/wellness surveys, athletes can set themselves up for a successful and injury-free season. Moveology Physical Therapy & Wellness encourages athletes to prioritize their health and well-being to achieve their athletic goals and thrive on and off the field.

Looking for Support during your athlete’s return to sports?
Check out our Wellness Return to Sports Program, and Contact Us for your sport specific Movement Screen and your next appointment.

Kristen McGregory-Hair, Physical Therapist Headshot

Kristen McGregory-Hair, PT
Physical Therapist

A native Texan passionate about empowering people through movement, I've been a Physical Therapist in the Dallas-Fort Worth area since 2004. My passion is to help patients not only recover from injury but also take control of their health and live active lives. I believe in patient education and strive to ensure everyone understands their condition, treatment options, and how to manage their well-being. This Blog , along with Moveology Physical Therapy & Wellness’ Newsletter , is my way to share knowledge and inspire a wider community to embrace an active lifestyle.


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